Tuesday, January 30, 2007

"work stress"

not that work is stressful...but rather the amount of red tape at work is killing... the politics is rather peculiar and interesting

hey dun mention the numbers and i'm faced with a mind boggling equation. hahaha worse off i hate numbers...but lets see, i think i'm ready to face the challenges after taking a few deep breathe just now...

i just need my tools and lots of hardwork, i'm sure i can do it. =)

Saturday, January 27, 2007

"bitter sweet"

it is a bitter sweet feeling, do you know? the feeling so strong, yet apart from each other.

it ain't easy in my shoes neither is it in your's if only the journey together started earlier, today our frustrations won't be here

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

"a whole new ball game"

the past 3 days have been a real killer, to top it up not enough sleep.

its a totally whole new ball game. but i'm loving it

now how do i handle busy work schedule with a promising love life? hahaha sounds pretty much impossible unless she works with me on it...i will try my best lah...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

"start of something new"

let's begin this journey... a new start, a fresh start and many more avenues. looks like i've to leave you behind from this old lorong to the next.

i'm going to miss everyone. thank you for making it so wonderful all these time and nothing beats having great memories.

i'm waiting for you to be mine, i know i need you and want you. but i don't know how to put it to you. if there's such thing as a guardian angel, i really need their help now.

Friday, January 12, 2007


i know there are expectations..i hope i can do well too. if only i had a new place...then she could have stayed with me...hmmmmm

Monday, January 08, 2007

"New Challenge"

went to work as usual today, but got the biggest surprise i had in a long long time. this one was unexpected. a new challenge. i'm finally moving on and learning a whole new ball game. i must say i'm still in shock as i write this down here.

a whole new environment, a whole new job scope, a whole new range of things to learn. i'm excited, nervous, afraid, and anxious to see what and where this new world will bring me to.

looking forward to this new challenge. =)

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

"Those were the days..."

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

"Happy New Year!!!!"

let's see...the week of celebrations and parties... have to come to an end already... i'm so tired from the eating! oh my gym regime will have to go into 2nd gear...

all the drinking! come on...how much more can i hold manz before i get pissed

ok let's just recap with some great pictures

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Christmas Dinner hosted by Adeline at her place

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My young cousins from dad side

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My cousins from mum side

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Haha the oldies trying to act cool - stand at staircase regimental photo =p

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My fellow team-mates at our company dinner going out of hand