last person u kissd: haha thats going to be my secret.
last cigarette: never smoked in my life
last good cry: just now. . .
last library book checked out: Marketing Research
last movie seen: Kill Bill 2
last book read: International Marketing
last cuss word uttered: damn you!
last beverage drank: red wine
last food consumed: spaghettie bolagnaise special
last phone call: Tung Mummy
last tv show watched: Wonders of the Universe
last shoes worn: sandals count?
last cd played: championship manager 01/02
last item bought: coca cola can drink
last downloaded: Tintin comic series
last annoyance: can't have dinner with my dear
last disappointment: can't have dinner with my dar
last soda drank: coca cola
last thing handwritten: my notes for CIP
last word spoken: bye...
last sleep: this morning at 3am
last im: dunno what is this lah
last weird encounter: saw rainbow. feel good. next thing. sprain leg.
last ice cream eaten: Cookies and Cream
last amused: my dar
trippin on drugs?: stupid to do it in the first place. so why start?
last time wanting to die: living is the best
last time in love: at this moment
last time hugged: just now
last time scolded: just now
last chair sat in: kitchen chair
last time lipstick used: dun use, but got use lip balm
last shirt worn: Kids Inc Policy
last poster looked at: dun remember
1 MINUTE AGO: typing and eating dinner
1 HOUR AGO: talking to my dar
1 DAY AGO: busy with work
1 WEEK AGO: culture night
1 YEAR AGO: you must be a saint to remember that or bloody clever to jot it down to remember
1. What do you most like about your body?: Dimples
2. And least?: I love my whole body.
3. How many fillings do you have?: roughly 5?
4. Do you think you're good looking?: no. seriously!
5. Do other people tell you that you're good
looking?: nopz
First job: stock-taker
First screen name: Rooster
First funeral: My paternal grandma
First pet: none
First piercing/tattoo: none
First credit card: will debit do?
First Kiss: can't remember the exact date
First one that mattered: My family
First love: 19
First enemy: don't have
First big trip: Must be somewhere in Europe
First concert: None
First musician you remember hearing in your
house: Can't remember